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Tennessee’s Farm To Tap Returns For Second Year

Summertime in Tennessee means fresh fruit and vegetables, and lots of them at Farm to Tap. Harding House Brewing Co. in West Nashville celebrates this bounty with an annual green tomato Saison, Proleptic, that boasts fresh green grape flavors…

The American Single Malt Whiskey Standard of Identity in 2022

Largely influenced by petitioning from the American Single Malt Whiskey commission, the Alcohol Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) is proposing to establish a standard of identity for American single malt whiskey. Like a lot of craft malt,…

Mainstays Made With Riverbend Heritage Malt

The arc of our malt variety development begins with Heritage Malt, the aptly named OG variety to come out of what we fondly call Malthouse 1.0. It’s not a Pale or a Pilsner, nor is it a Vienna or Light Munich-style malt; rather a malt…

Duck Duck Dog Pale Ale Crafted For Georgia Bulldogs v. Oregon Ducks Game on September 3

  On September 3, 2022 the Georgia Bulldogs will play the Oregon Ducks at the Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta. StillFire Brewing in Suwanee, Georgia and Ninkasi Brewing in Eugene, Oregon have collaborated on a beer for the occasion. You…

Riverbend 10: A Heritage Beer Story

When Riverbend Malt House first got started, many of our small batches were used in seasonal and one-off brewing projects. Craft brewers and distillers were still treading lightly when it came to using craft malt. But Todd Steven Boera of Fonta…

Combining Efforts, Part 2: Mountain Horticultural Research Station

Read Part 1 of this 2022 harvest series here.  After a multi-year hiatus driven by the pandemic and site flooding, I’m pleased to report that malting barley field days have returned to the Mountain Horticultural Research Station in Mills…

Combining Efforts, Part 1: Eastern Virginia Agricultural Research and Extension Center

As the temperatures warm and the barley starts to dry down, I know it is time for a gathering in the fields. Annual field days offer the perfect opportunity for researchers to share their latest work with an audience of interested growers and…

Supply Chain Blues: An Update on the Global Wheat Market

As the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues, one thing is clear… the global supply chain as we know it is crumbling. Russia and Ukraine are among the largest global producers of wheat, threatening countries around the globe with severe…

Mainstays Made With Riverbend Chesapeake Pilsner Malt

Chesapeake Pilsner Malt Produced using 2-Row barley sourced from Virginia, Chesapeake Pilsner was another malt— like Cumberland Pilsner— created out of our custom craft malt program. It gives a nicely balanced mix of bread crumb and honeysuckle,…