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It’s our goal to keep innovating our methods of malt production to support experimentation and exciting new developments in the world of craft brewing & distilling. Follow along to see the latest developments.

Malt With A Mission: 2024 By The Numbers

Our Malt With A Mission slogan is much more than a saying around here. It's a set of environmentally conscious practices that we're constantly refining to reduce our impact. Each year, Riverbend Malt House collects data points that we…

Riverbend Malt House Debuts Certified Regenified Malt

ASHEVILLE, NC— After becoming the first malt house to become third-party certified for regenerative agriculture in 2024, Riverbend Malt House is delighted to introduce Regenified™ Southern Select. This malted 2-row barley product is…

Riverbend Malt House Debuts Certified Regenified Malt

ASHEVILLE, NC— After becoming the first malt house to become third-party certified for regenerative agriculture in 2024, Riverbend Malt House is delighted to introduce Regenified™ Southern Select. This malted 2-row barley product is…


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