Entries by Karson Krouse

Craft Malt Converts: Beacon Brewing Co

For Southern proud LaGrange, Georgia-based Beacon Brewing Company, the choice to switch to Southern malt to brew Southern beer was essential to their brand. The decision fell perfectly in line with their desire to provide patrons with a fusion of local flavors accompanied by local lore.

Why the Switch?

According to Dave Hash, Head Brewer at Craft Malt Certified™ Beacon Brewing, “For us, it was a combination of the efficiency and flavor we get from the malt as well as the mission of supporting our local southeastern beer economy.

 » Read more about: Craft Malt Converts: Beacon Brewing Co  »

Learn To Homebrew Day Reflections: Homebrewing Session IPA Made With Riverbend Malt

 The homebrewing equipment: cleaned.

The grain: spent.

The beer: consumed.

If you can believe it, it’s already been three months since our craft malt (home)brew day and Instagram live. Terminal gravity was achieved in less than ten days, and following a brief cold crash, keg transfer, and carbonation period, our hazy session IPA was ready for drinking.

And I’m here to report that despite high expectations, our hazy session IPA turned out to be even better than anticipated.

 » Read more about: Learn To Homebrew Day Reflections: Homebrewing Session IPA Made With Riverbend Malt  »

Beer to Bags: Upcycling for a Cause



Over the years, we’ve participated in some fun with upcycling projects in line with our environmental objectives; but the Beer to Bags partnership is taking our efforts to another level!

Happy North Carolina Craft Beer Month everyone! This month, we are proud to announce that Riverbend Malt House is now the first malt house licensor for Beer To Bags. Beer To Bags upcycles spent malt bags to create stylish totes.

 » Read more about: Beer to Bags: Upcycling for a Cause  »