Entries by Scott Hickman

Riverbend Malt House Announces 10 Year Harvest Beers Crafted With Sunset Wheat Malt

ASHEVILLE, NC— Riverbend Malt House and a number of its brewing customers are excited to announce a lineup of specialty beers featuring the new Sunset Wheat Malt, in celebration of the malt house’s last decade in business. 

Earlier this month, Fonta Flora Brewery released the first of these beers, a Belgian Dark Strong-inspired ale affectionately named Bière de Riverbend. This bière, brewed with 100 percent Riverbend craft malt,

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Homebrewers Invited to Brew Riverbend 10 Year Harvest Recipe

Craft brewers across the region are invited to brew the Riverbend Malt House 10 Year Harvest Recipe in celebration of agriculture in the Southeast and a decade of Riverbend craft malt. 

The #Riverbend10 Wheat Pale Ale recipe utilizes the Riverbend anniversary Sunset Wheat as a base, balanced out with citrusy hop varieties. In this recipe, the malt makes the difference— and the brewers get to make their mark. By design, this pale ale is a clean,

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State Environmental Stewardship Initiative Recognizes Riverbend

The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality recently recognized Riverbend Malt House for compliance and environmental performance goals.

We appreciate ESI for providing this opportunity for us to elevate our craft malt business while continuing our commitments to environmental stewardship.

Read more about ESI and this acknowledgment here.

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Six Beers To Drink This Fall, Craft Malt Edition


From pumpkin ales to Oktoberfest biers — fall is in the beer. 

Asheville’s Riverbend Malt House is a key component in producing these autumnal flavors, which won’t last long on tap across the Southeast this season. Don’t miss these fall beers made with Riverbend craft malt. 

Hillman Beer

Hillman Festbier is brewed with a combination of Riverbend Malt’s Chesapeake Pilsner, Vienna, and Light Munich malts. The result: a light,

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Fresh Craft Malt from Riverbend Malt House: Sunset Wheat

Calling all craft brewers and artisan distillers, there’s a new craft malt available from Riverbend Malt House. Sunset Wheat is here1

This new malt is rooted in the same high quality soft red winter wheat that we use for our flagship Appalachian Wheat. From there we explored a warmer kilning regime similar to a Munich-style. This technique uses large volumes of warm, moist air to develop the building blocks for color and flavor development.

 » Read more about: Fresh Craft Malt from Riverbend Malt House: Sunset Wheat  »


Brent Manning of Riverbend Malt House: Five Strategies Our Company Is Using To Tackle Climate Change & Become More Sustainable

After 10 years in the craft malt business, we’re reflecting on our past, and how we want to approach our future with the least environmental impact possible. The timing was perfect for Medium.com’s Authority Magazine to interview us about our sustainability mission.

Read the conversation here.

 » Read more about: Brent Manning of Riverbend Malt House: Five Strategies Our Company Is Using To Tackle Climate Change & Become More Sustainable  »